eBay Errors

eBay Errors


Error Message Suggested Resolution
Listing is missing required item specific(s). Make sure all required item specifics are being passed to eBay, and in the value format, eBay will accept.
eBay responded with the message:
Short Message: The item cannot be listed or modified.
Long Message: The item cannot be listed or modified. The title or description may contain improper words, or the listing or seller may be in violation of eBay policy.
Click on the link for more details – this usually refers to a policy violation of some sort. A common one is that you have reached your selling limit . You might also have improper words in your title that eBay does not allow. Unfortunately, eBay does not provide insights into what these words are but you can try removing or changing some words and then attempt to relist. It's important to always click on the link for more details to determine exactly which policy eBay thinks you're violating.
Duplicate listing submission blocked based on configured settings. This item is already live in listing 1234567890. To change the setting and allow duplicates, go to Marketplaces > eBay > Settings > eBay Settings > Listings. Ensure you don't already have this item live directly on eBay, or that you have a similar product (perhaps by Title) in CA that eBay is thinking is a duplicate listing which violates their Duplicate Listing Policy.
eBay responded with the message:
Short Message: Funds from your sales will be unavailable and show as pending in your PayPal account for a period of time.
Long Message: Funds from your sales will be unavailable and show as pending in your PayPal account for a period of time. Learn more: http://cgi6.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?UserPolicyMessaging
In most cases you will need to reach out to eBay to identify the issue.
eBay responded with the message:
Buyers love large photos that clearly show the item, so please upload high-resolution photos that are at least 500 pixels on the longest side. (Attempting to revise only Buyers love large photos that clearly show the item, so please upload high-resolution photos that are at least 500 pixels on the longest side. (Attempting to revise only Quantity and Price.)
You need to ensure your image size meets eBay's minimum photo requirement of 500 x 500 pixels.
Unable to submit variation listing to eBay:
The variation option is duplicated:
Values: 'Size: XXXX; Color: XXXX'
Assuming you are utilizing Automatic Matching for Item Specifics:
1. Ensure that your variation is set up properly, and that varying attribute values across the children are unique. This can be checked quickly by clicking into the Parent SKU.
2. If you have verified that the variation is set up properly and there are no duplicate values, then it may be that what you are varying on is not matching up to an item specific for the listing's category on eBay. Essentially, eBay is not seeing any varying values because Item Specifics Automatic Matching is not set up appropriately. Either change the name of the varying attribute so that it is named the same as the item specific at eBay, or create a Global Template Tag to map the name of the item specific eBay is looking for to the template tag for the varying attribute.
Unable to submit variation listing to eBay: The SKU 'XXXXX' has no variation options. Configure variation information on the inventory item and ensure it is either submitted based on the posting template configuration or by automatic matching and automatic variation creation. Resubmit the variation listing after the information has been configured on the items.
Short Message: Cannot list with both product listing details and item compatibilities.
Long Message: Cannot list with both product listing details and item compatibilities. Either provide product listing details or manually specify item compatibilities.
This error occurs for sellers who are both:
– Trying to map to the eBay catalog
– Sending manual fitment.

You probably know that If you are sending manual fitment, you should not send a value for the Catalog Search Term field on the posting template. However, there is one other catalog related field on the posting template that you need to be aware of: Include eBay Product Details. 

When a value of true is sent for Include eBay Product Details, it tells eBay on the back-end that we intend on utilizing eBay's catalog information. If information is also sent from the Manual Compatability/Fitment field, that enters us into a contradiction in which we have specified eBay Catalog information for Fitment, but have also tried to provide Manual Fitment information.

If you have items on the same posting template that use manual fitment and others that use catalog, business rules for the Include eBay Product Details and Catalog Search Term fields work well to avoid that eBay error.

Here is an example for turning Include eBay Product Details On/Off, where manual fitment is being sent from an attribute called ManualFitment: 


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